Anti-raid in Discord is like a protective barrier that keeps your server safe from trolls and spammers trying to crash your online party.

Subcommand: antiraid avatar
Module: antiraid
Description: Security against accounts which don’t have an avatar.

antiraid avatar true --punishment kick

Enabling antiraid avatar and setting flags

Subcommand: antiraid joins
Module: antiraid
Description: Security against accounts which join simultaneously. If multiple members join within the threshold then the members will automatically be punished. The threshold must be greater than 3.

antiraid joins true --punishment ban --amount 5

Enabling antiraid joins and setting flags

Subcommand: antiraid mentions
Module: antiraid
Description: Security against accounts that spam excessive mentions. If a message contains threshold or more mentions then the member will be automatically be punished. The threshold must be greater than 3. This only applies for user mentions. Everyone or Role mentions are not included.

antiraid mentions true --punishment ban --amount 4

Enabling antiraid mentions and setting flags