What is last.fm? Last.fm is a platform that tracks the music you listen to and provides detailed statistics based on your listening history. You can register for a Last.fm account here. https://www.last.fm/join

Linking lastfm

After connecting Last.fm use ,lastfm update to sync.


Head over to your Discord Server

Click on the Discord Server that you would like to use to link your Last.fm account


Link your Last.fm account

Use ,lastfm set (username) To Link your lastfm account. For example ,lastfm set x6urr

Linking lastfm on greed.

How to check your recent songs


After linking Last.fm

After linking your Last.fm account to greed, head over to any channel


View your recent songs

Use ,lastfm recent (username)or ,lastfm recent To check your lastfm recent songs. For example ,lastfm recent x6urr or ,lastfm recent

Showing recent songs